This is dedicated solely to the funny things my kids do and say that make me laugh every day... and maybe when they're older I can use some of these stories to embarrass them :)

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Two Bites

Sometimes I have to coax Dakota to eat her food. I usually say "Just take two bites and then you can ____________" (Fill in the blank). So the other morning Dakota found a stash of cookies and brought them up to my room. I told her she could have a cookie after she ate breakfast. I gave her breakfast and she ate it. She then came back into my room and offered me one of two cookies she had in her hands. I told her she could have hers but that "Mamma doesn't want a cookie right now." She kept insisting, so I told her to put in on my desk. She did. Then she climbed up on my lap and next thing I know, she grabs the cookie, turns towards me with the cookie up to my lips and says "Just two biii-iites. Just twoooo bii-ites" in a sing-song voice kind of mother like. Who could resist that? So I took a bite! :)

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Bippity Bobbity Boo!

I found a collection of pencils that I made as a child, and in it was a light blue pencil with a seashell on the top. I though Dakota would enjoy this since she likes seashells, so I pulled it out for her. I gave it to her yesterday and she carried it around all evening. This morning, as I was preparing her breakfast, I look over and she is holding it by the shell and waving it around like a wand and singing "Bippity bobbity boo" from Cinderella. Funny the connections her little head makes...

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Mama Koda-bee

Koda-bee is a nickname we've used for Dakota since I can remember. Sometimes when people ask her what her name is, she will respond, "Koda-bee"

Anyways, there is an old picture of me when I am about 3 or 4 that's framed with popsicle sticks and is currently hanging on a nob at our house. Dakota was looking it at it, and I asked her, "Who is that??"

She replied, "Its a MAMA Koda BEE!!!!"

I thought that was pretty cute.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Poop E'ry-Where!

Dakota has been potty training for the last few weeks and has actually done quite well. The other day I needed to email something and left her downstairs alone for a few minutes. Next thing I know, she is walking into my room with her pants off saying "Mess! Leg!" As she gets closer, I notice that its poop all down her leg. I wipe it off and run downstairs... I figure, maybe she pooped in her panties and tried to take them off herself or maybe she went in the toilet but somehow got some on herself in the process. So what did I discover??

She pooped in the potty (in her little potty) like a good girl and then tried to be a big girl and empty out the potty into the big toilet on her own. Only, she doesn't have a very steady hand and ended up spilling it all over our living room and herself in the process. She also left the potty looking like a volcano.

Unfortunately, Oakley saw the spill and inched his way over and was covered in it by the time I got to him. I had to strip him, clean under his finger nails and between his fat rolls, scrub the carpet in about 20 different spots, and completely clean the little potty. As I am in the kitchen rinsing out a rag I was using on the carpet, Dakota comes running into the kitchen and proclaims, "Mamma, POOP! E'ryWHERE!"

Yes, Dakota. YOU got poop EVERY where!