This is dedicated solely to the funny things my kids do and say that make me laugh every day... and maybe when they're older I can use some of these stories to embarrass them :)

Monday, February 14, 2011


Right now Dakota is in this phase where she wants to do everything "all by MYSELF!" It's great and all, except when she gets snotty about it or is taking so long doing that thing by herself that your patience is wearing thin.

Today it was funny. I was in the kitchen talking to Rachel. Dakota walked in muttering something about the potty and headed towards the bathroom. So I asked her "Oh do you need to go potty?"

"No no, STOP it! Don't look at me! I'm doing it all by MYSELF! You just talk Rachel. I go potty all.... by... my... self!"

Sheesh! I was standing at least 1.5 yards away from her. Barely even looked at her. Sorry I asked the question.

She did indeed, however, go to the potty all by herself!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Dakota had been down for naptime and it was getting kind of late, so went in her room to wake her.

This is how I found her...

Apparently she fell asleep while reading Hello Kitty :) I giggled.

Some Poo

Tonight Dakota informed me:

"Mama, I have some poo!"

I was a little confused... She was taking a bath.

Oh!!! I get it...