This is dedicated solely to the funny things my kids do and say that make me laugh every day... and maybe when they're older I can use some of these stories to embarrass them :)

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Dakota's Prayer

We were having family dinner at Jichan's one evening for a birthday. We picked up pizzas from Little Caesars and Dakota was asked to say the prayer. It went something like this:

"Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you for this food. Please bless the pizza and bless the broccoli. And to the Republic for which it stands, with liberty and justice for all. Amen."

We were all laughing tears by the end! And there was no broccoli...

Thursday, December 15, 2011


Dakota has somehow mixed Oscar the Grouch from Sesame Street, with the Grinch Who Stole Christmas.

They now have one name... Oscar the Grinch. :)

She's also combined Snoopy and Scooby Doo... Snoopy Doo

Rock Salt

We were headed into church the other day for a family baby blessing and had our first frost the night before. So, the parking lot and sidewalk had been sprinkled with salt.

On our way into the building, Dakota exclaims with an adoring tone to her voice, "Awe, look Mom... it's snow crumbs!"

I didn't have the heart to correct her. I thought it was too cute.

Hope we have a full winter of 'snow crumbs' before she grows up too quickly!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

A few of my favorite fings...

Dakota is pretty darn smart and talks a lot and has a huge vocabulary. However, there a few things she still doesn't pronounce just right that I just adore. So I don't even try to correct her. They grow up too fast!

Anything that has a soft "th" sound she replaces with "f" ie:
fings, fank you, anyfing, norf pole, fink... etc.


Theodore (Alvin and Chipmunks)=Fidiore... LOVE that one! So cute!




Will add to this later...

Saturday, December 3, 2011


Well Dakota was super excited to see Santa this year and had her list of toys to ask for that keeps changing daily.

Oakley was scared of Santa at first and screamed but finally relented when we gave him a rice krispie treat.

Ryden loved being held.

After pictures were taken, we headed to the car to leave.

Dakota started panicking...

"Uh-oh. We forgot our stuff. Our Barbie car and Repunzel..." (what she requested from Santa moments before)

I had to explain Santa doesn't just hand over the presents. We have to wait till Christmas morning.

The next morn we had the opportunity to see Santa again. This time no kids cried. But Dakota walked up to Santa and exclaimed, "Santa, you forgot our fings!"

I had to explain things to her all over again.

Calm Down

My first day out running errands after the baby was a long one. I took Dakota with me and promised if she was good for the few hours we were out, she could pick out a redbox movie.

She was good and picked out a Barbie movie.

When we arrived home, she popped it in immediately. I sat down next to her to feed Ryden and this conversation ensued:

Dakota: "Maybe we should watch the Shrek movie."
Me: "You want to watch Shrek? Why did we rent the Barbie movie if you wanted to watch Shrek? We already have Shrek."
Dakota: "Calm down, calm down, calm down, Mom. I mean, AFTER we watch the Barbie movie, we should watch Shrek."
Me: "O... K... then." :)