This is dedicated solely to the funny things my kids do and say that make me laugh every day... and maybe when they're older I can use some of these stories to embarrass them :)

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Oakley Laughs

A few weeks ago, we were on our way to a friend's wedding reception in Provo. We drove by some run down apartments and I said, "Those look pretty ghetto... although I guess if you're a Poor Poor college student..." and I was interrupted by a loud burst of giggling. I guess he though "poor poor" was funny.. I said it a few more times to him and each time he bursted out laughing. First time we've really got him giggling. We were all laughing at how cute it was.

Also in the car, on our way home from Boise for my mom's wedding, I sat in the back for a while to calm him down and started pretending like I was going eat him with 'yummy' noises. He also erupted with laughter and we were able to get a little on video from Doug's phone.

He is a smiley happy guys most the time and pretty easy these days to make him laugh. Good natured boy.

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