This is dedicated solely to the funny things my kids do and say that make me laugh every day... and maybe when they're older I can use some of these stories to embarrass them :)

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Dakota in Disney World

She was lucky enough to get to go with her aunt again, except this time to Disneyworld. She is having a blast but I wanted to keep track of some of the cute things she is saying to me in our phone conversations.

"Mom!!! I saw Crush (from Nemo) and we get to aks him a question. And they say, 'No eating, no drinking, no flash photography (perfectly pronounced) and NO-OOO smoke-in!!'"

"We got Oakley some Tiggy ears and then I said to Melissa, 'How about we put Oaker-man on it' and so we did!!"

"Was Oakley walking around the house saying, 'Where's Dakota?' Awwwwee... he was lookin' for me."

"Dad, you know what's in my snack drawer? There's some in the bottom drawer, some in the middle drawer, and on top. And I can have some whenever I's hungry."

They had lunch with Pooh Bear:
Me "What did you eat for breakfast today? Did you eat with Pooh bear?"
D "NOPE! I just had cereal."
Me "Oh, did you have LUNCH with Pooh Bear?"
D "Yeeeeep."

And last night pretty much every time I started a sentence, she cut me off with "MOM!!!! And we did _______________" I couldn't get a word in to our conversation at all. She's sounding so grown up and boy she can talk your ear off!

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